Saturday 16 February 2019

YouTube Copyrights

What is copyright?

Copyright is a collection or set of rights that gives the owner complete authority to claim how others can use, edit or reproduce his original work. It is a form of protection given to the owner of original content that gives him the reward for his efforts. Under this law, a work can only be copied or used if the owner grants permission. The categories of works that can be protected by copyright laws include music, paintings, videos, literary works, songs, movies, live performances, tutorials, photographs, and software.

How YouTube copyrights works?

You tube has a system called Content ID that scans, identifies and manages every video that is being uploaded. These videos are scanned against a database of audio and video files that have been submitted by original content owner. When a video is being scanned and if it is found copyrighted, it gets flagged and the person who uploaded it gets a copyright 
claim. When this happens, the content owner has the 
following choices either he can block the video , make it 
unviewable, track the viewing statistics of the video, or add 
advertisements to the "infringing" video for which the 
advertisements money automatically go to the content owner.

Types of YouTube strikes:

There are two types of YouTube strikes:

Community Guideline Strike: They are issued when reviewers are informed of a violation of the Community Guidelines. You get this strike because of multiple reasons; from uploading offensive, unacceptable, unobjectionable content (violent or graphic content, hateful content, threats, nudity or sexual content, misleading Meta data, dangerous content, spam, or scams) or even by uploading offensive thumbnail.

Copyright Strike: If you upload someone else video or some part of your video includes content from another video that is already uploaded on YouTube and you have not got permission from the creator, than you get a copyright strike.

How many strikes does a channel get?

Strike while the iron is hot! When you get a copyright strike, do take measures to resolve it. After getting 3 strikes your channel will be banned and you won’t be able to recover any of your videos. Your channel will get a lifetime ban!

How to resolve a copyright strike?
There are three ways to resolve a copyright strike:
1. Wait until it expires by completing Copyright
Copyright strikes usually expire after 90 days, you have to complete Copyright School that requires to take an online course and a little online quiz till the strike expires.
2. Ask the content owner to withdraw the strike: You can contact or reach out to the person who claimed your video. Try to convince them to withdraw their copyright claim.

3. Submit a counter notification: If you think the strike was placed in error and your video was mistakenly removed because it was misidentified as infringing, or qualifies as a potential fair use, you can submit a counter notification.




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